Jennifer Davenport

Founder, CEO & Healer

Jennifer is a fearless, optimistic, and noble guide with a nurturing heart that lives up to the maternal moniker her students have given her, that of “Soul Mama.”

Before founding Burning Heart, Jennifer excelled as an executive and consultant to multiple Fortune 500 companies and start-ups to help them achieve strategic objectives through optimized processes and advanced technologies. Despite her successes though, Jennifer felt that her zest for life was being challenged by ignoring the calling of her healer's heart —and to help those who needed peace the most.

In a pivotal moment, she transformed her business guidance to the discovery of love and true self, and committed herself to discovering the blueprint for living a fully aligned and integrated life. In the many years since creating this method, she has fostered hundreds of bright futures through her philanthropic work with the CL Stuart Institute and the Blue Lagoon Foundation, as well as helped private clients discard self-limiting beliefs that hinder them from reaching their fullest self.

And it’s working. Her clients, both men and women, call her a “guru,” a “fully aligned soul,” and resonate with her frameworks and insights. They’ve aligned themselves to their true selves, and the results are profoundly life changing. This is in large part because Jennifer has a keen ability to meet clients where they are—because she’s been there. She has personally experienced the challenges of life, charted a course through the darkness, and changed the game of life to empower those who seek insight, fulfillment, and complete integration of their soul into life’s beautiful journey.